12 May 2008


Frazzled I am. A wife and a mommy of one who will be entering into the “terrible two’s” in just 3 months .. on the 08.08.08 to be exact! how cool is that .. the Chinese will think this a very auspicious date but a cool date n'est-ce pas? it sure will look good on the cake hehe....
Well I dont really have anything specific to blog about but on this inaugaral posting I will tell you why I am frazzled..my Hubz is so into golf at the moment leaving me a golf widow some Sundays and for sure a few hours after work ends ,leaving me with lil D for a precious few hours to myself.. my question.. why do kids know if you are tired and frustrated from the tonnes of work you just arrive from? they immediately get clingy and cranky nevermind that they probably just miss you as they hardly see you since you left for work poor darling. Lately .. lil D gets nightmares and very often wake me up 2-3 times a nite to comfort him that is on top of his night feed lah. Yes I am sleep deprived..hence frazzled.
What with Work etc. am trying to juggle with life like a gazzilion others like me. That my friends is life as i know it now. Gone were the days of coming and goin home as we please, do as we please. Sleep deprivation +work load + office politics = frazzled Z. Strangely though I will consider myself a contented mom lucky to have an adorable son and loving husband and friends and family to support me when I need them simply love them to bits.
This blog is really about what I go through daily.. not that it would be that much of an interest to most except maybe my nearest and dearest but please indulge me if you care to.


LifeBloom said...

Welcome to the dark side....muahahahahaahaha...

Zed said...

lol Danke!