11. Once both of my Grandparents were away visiting.. it was just me and fantastic 1 and the maids . It was raining cats and dogs, since we were bored out of our skulls we decided to do an experiment i.e how wet can one get in a pouring rain if we run from the porch to the garage which is about hmm.. 20 meters away by using a plastic bag over our heads..the test is by running as fast as you can.. suffice to say we were drenched by 2 meters. Idiotic but that was such a liberating experience. I absolutely loved it. This was followed by hot shower drank hot milo and watched TV bliss the elders didnt know any better hehe.
12. Fantastic 3 &4 at one time decided they will be spiderman.. what they did was took a jar of vicks vaporub slathered them on to their hands and decided to see how far it could get them by crawling up the wall.. no no one got past their own height or the extend of their jump but it sure as hell left loadddsssss of handprints reeking of vicks on the wall.. the maid came up and simply screamed! heheh..very imaginative kan.
13. When we got a bit older (ages between 8-12) we used to sneak to our granduncles house to swim in his pool..he used to have this nice gardener who would always let us in to swim.. we stayed there most times for at least 3 hours each time.. not that we can swim well.. I shudder at what could have happend as none of us were strong swimmers. No one was supervising that was for sure.
Those were what we normally do during weekends or after school..since my parents were working full time we would be sent to our gran's house and we used to look forward to that. Mind you not all our activities were erm ..mundane and mild.. we do have our share of mishaps .. two incidents are fixed in my memory .
Mishap 1
Once after first day of school i think i was in primary 3 we got together still in our school uniforms talking about first day of school while playing on the swing.. the steel variety damn heavy ..I had this idea of folding the swing over to add height and stand on it while they were talking.. in an instant i was already under the swing although winded I had the foresight to stop the swing before i got up.. when i was assured it has stopped i lifted by head the next thing I knew I felt a heavy knock right smack behind my head..painful but since everyone was looking at me in shock I tried very hard not to cry.. someone helped me up and I was standing and I felt something warm and wet trickling behind my neck soaking my pretty new uniform.. when I looked down the waterworks started, it was blood!! someone brought me to mama and she took one look got a towel cleaned me and proceeded to pour cold coffee on top of the wound..I was traumatize for sure but it sure as hell stopped the bleeding.. didnt even need stitches.. perhaps only a flesh wound but I could feel the bump for ages after that.. freaky.
Mishap 2
It was holidays I was at mama's place as usual when my mom sent me there I immediately went to search for H. Before I proceed let me explain this first, Bapa and Mama (my grans) had a huge compound.. there were two houses one older house and a newly constructed house that they later moved into. The older house was basically where the Uncles stays and the girls would stays with the Grans in the then new house next door. I have 11 Uncles and Aunt my mom is the eldest making 12 in all go figure .. of course they would need a big place to house everyone. Since most of the uncles were away overseas for their studies the old house would be left virtually empty except for one or two rooms occupied.
Geeting back to the story.. off I go in search of Fantastic 1, room after room person after person no one had seen him ..so i decided to go next door to the old house .. I searched room after room when i hit jackpot.. Fantastic 1 was under one bed that was covered with a bed throw ( you know the type that has tassles around it) shielding him from anyone entering into the room.. he had a bottle of vitamin C tablets and eating them one by one like they were candy! but of course i wanted in on it.. so off i went under the bed and he graciously shared his loot with me.. while we were busy munching on Vit C tablets.. Fantastic 1 saw a box of matches.. the throw on the bed had tassles all around. He lit one match and said lets try and burn one of the tassles sure "cantik" macam "bunga api" I was uneasy but went along with it.. so he did.. it went up and fizzles wahhhh sooo pretty we did it to maybe a couple more tassle and that was when he came up with the "brilliant" idea..he said hey , "mari kita bakar tassles semua cantik tu kan macam bunga api" (lets try burning the tasles sure would be pretty right..like fireworks )and yes you guessed it .. the throw caught fire , we scuttled back out and look at it in shock and dismay.. he told me to go and get water from the adjacent bathroom .. I could'nt find anything but a small cup to fill with water.. by now there was a huge smoke and no amount of water poured and going in and out trying to put it out will stop the fire. We were desperate . Fantastic 1 asked me to get help. (swallowing our pride and fear of being scolded) I ran down and saw one uncle who just came back from a footie match , none of them believed me! I saw my aunt, told her and suddenly it was pandamoniom especially when one my uncles footie friend saw smoke blowing out of the windows.
All Fantastic 1 and I could do was retreat and go somewhere where no one will find us. We sat at the veranda and stayed there .. fearing the outcome and fearing the retribution coming for us. That was the first and the last time I saw my Grandad running from next door to the old house. My Grandad never run and is never in a hurry ..he walks very gently and hardly even stomps . The firebrigade came and put out the fire.. the whole mattress is ruined the whole room was black everything else has either melted or mangled. The carpet , drapes etc were all ruined.
Surprisingly not one person touched a hair on our body or reprimanded us.. we felt blessed and thankful that we were still around..and blessed that the folks around us saw guilt and remorse on our own faces and know that thats chastisement enough. We never ever ever played with matches after that . Definitely a building experience.
Fantastic 5
Fantastic 5 came years later courtesy of one of my favorite aunt who gave birth to him and what an adorable baby he was .... initially he was a pain in the butt because he will always tell on us if we get up to mischief or refuse to play with him.. as the years go by the 5 of us was inseperable.. well that was before Fantastic 1 got married after that it was just the 4 of us. We would go to the holiday house in the same car every Hari Raya eve for the family get togethers , we would jam together, go makan together, go Hari Raya"ing" together.. fun fun fun.. he was the baby of the Fantastics and we were very protective of each other so much so instead of first cousin he is more of a brother to me. He calls my mom ,mummy too heheh..
There are tonnes more stories where that came from but I think I shall stop at this.. oh what it is to be a child. :-)
very interesting .... can publish as a weekly articles huhu.... btw very GAUK lah u, when we were young, our energy were up to the max, now... sikit2 ngalih haha...
hahaha! awu lah.. ada saja idea bah when we were young"er"! heheh
jurrrrr.....and u said u COULDNT write
*blush* coming from you what a big honor that is! Am still learning hehe..
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