27 August 2008


As you may have noticed , I am using a new banner ..the banner was done for me by O :) thanks heaps O really appreciate it . l will belanja you lunch hehe. As per usual life is hectic for me and I am really looking forward to Ramadhan..I dont know.. ramadhan just gives me the calmness and really for me its the time when I concentrate more on family if that makes sense. Let me explain why.

It is during ramadhan that all muslims are duty bound to fast ..and that for every good deed you do, you will be rewarded 10 times for them. Now that is a lot like collecting bonus points. Time to top up people . Pahala is something you would not want to reject. It is a time also that we get to go back early from work and in my case cook for my family as opposed to my lil'd keeping different time for dinner from us ( he eats earlier) . It is in Ramadhan that 98% we will spend time breakfasting with our loved ones and generally spend time with each other more instead of being cooped up in the office from what seems like sun up till sun down.

My point is.. Ramadhan is all about taking care of our spiritual wellbeing as well as our own and our family's wellbeing.
So here is wishing you all " Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan".

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