31 August 2008

Iklan Merdeka Petronas 2008

This year I did not feel the patriotism and the happiness of Merdeka mainly due to the goings on back home in fact all I felt was erm..nothingness. Several factors I think brought about these feelings.. the fact that Sabah and Sarawak was only included in Malaysia on the 16th of September hence the real Merdeka should be recognized and celebrated on that day. The 16th of September is celebrated as the official birthday of the TYT (Tuan Yang Terutama) or Governor of Sabah at present.

Generally, the goings on on the political front and overall restlessness and unhappiness with price hikes despite a lil reduction of petrol prices back home contributes to it. So in order to celebrate the "official" Merdeka I am posting a piece of work from the Petronas Merdeka Advert . A good mix of humor and seriousness conveyed lightly but I couldnt avoid the water works being turned on. Perseverance is the key word.. a mix of emotions but at the end of the day it is all about our will and perseverance to preserve how we want to live our lives and how we want our country to be and what values we want to inculcate in our Children the future of the Country.



LifeBloom said...

Great look - love the "bejewelled" effect..! Yes Merdeka was a NON event for me - and I think it was the same for most Malaysians.

All of us feel scammed by the present government - empty promises, lacklustre personalities who have their own agendas at the expense of the Rakyat. And costing all of us a heavy price in the end.

Yea...darn right - Malaysia is getting more alien as days go by.

Zed said...

Thanks LB..am not digging the flickering effect.. I may revert to my old layout :P.

Merdeka? my sentiments exactly .. I wonder how they will "make things right" if the other faction don't get there first that is...

Negaraku... tanah tumpah nya darah ku...sighs may you be merdeka in every sense of the word.. that is my prayer in this auspicious month.